Differences in Mesopotamian and Egyptian Cultures 1 Differences in Religion. These 2 rivers also provide a natural defense from ground invasion (Mark, Mesopotamia, 2009). Egyptians were polytheistic. -Both built temples that they worshiped in. Egypt was built around a single river, so for much of its history was unified. Similarities / Differences Cont. in as little as 3 hours. When Abraham went to visit Egypt in Genesis 12, he came from a sophisticated environment of Ur to Egypt’s royal housing. 3 … Religious Differences between Egypt and Mesopotamia. Ancient Egypt had a different political structure from Mesopotamia. Priests and priestesses served as the intermediaries between the common man and the divine. Differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt It is not possible for civilizations to flow backwards while there is creativity and curiosity in the world. Mesopotamia vs Egypt Mesopotamia and Egypt are two different civilizations that show some difference between them when it comes to their history and growth. For example Egypt was in between sea and desert, this made it very hard for them to be invaded. Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were two early human civilizations that lived during the bronze age in harsh desert environments located not far from each other. Mesopotamia brought innovations to Egypt and Egypt improved on those. It also had limited scope for expansion, though it did conquer into West Asia and further down the Nile.Mesopotamia was a landscape between two rivers, each of which shifted its course. In ancient Egypt, the Pharaoh was considered to be the representative of the gods on earth. The … 13. This is the main difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt. 1. Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt are the oldest civilizations. Mesopotamia referred to to the areas along the Tigris and Euphrates riv-ers. Both had writing systems, for law, commerce, and communication. People of Mesopotamia did not believe in afterlife, but afterlife and resurrection of dead were the chief characteristic of Egyptian religious beliefs. Differences Between Mesopotamia and Egypt in Architecture. The citizens of ancient Egypt believed that their Pharaoh was a god, and refrained from looking directly at his face even when addressed by him (Richards & Van Buren, 2000). In this video, we are comparing Ancient Egypt vs. Mesopotamia in all sorts of different aspects. Differences Between Mesopotamia & Ancient Egypt 1 Geographic Orientation. Religion of Ancient Egypt facts for kids. The religion of ancient Egypt was a polytheistic religion which lasted throughout their civilisation. After about three thousand years, the Egyptian people turned to Coptic Christianity and Islam. Other differences are Mesopotamia invented more tools such as sailboats and helmets among others compared to Egyptians. Below are some resources that will help you teach Mesopotamian civilization, The Epic of Gilgamesh, Egyptian mythology, and Egyptian culture in your own classroom. There were several similarities and differences between the geography of Mesopotamia and Egypt. -Both believed in many gods, or polytheism. The Pharaohs of Egypt were considered god, but in Mesopotamia they were considered as intermediaries between god and the people. In Mesopotamia the rulers were believed to speak for their gods and to have a direct connection with them, but in ancient Egypt they were considered gods themselves. Upon his death, only a son of the Pharaoh could succeed hi… The roles of women differed greatly among the ancient societies of Egypt and Mesopotamia, whose territories make up what is now Iraq and parts of Iran, Turkey and Syria. In Egypt, there were supreme gods such as the sun god Ra, Amon, and Osiris with each male god having a female goddess companion. Nile had predictable flooding/change in water levels so Egyptians could easily create agricultural patterns while Tigris/Euphrates didn't Some similarities and differences between Mesopotamian and Egyptian art can be explained by the technologies that they each possessed. Both civilizations brought ideas and processes into the world that impacted the development of other societies around the world. The majority of noblemen who were appointed to significant positions in ancient Egypt were related to the Pharaoh. Video. Large states would expand well beyond Mesopotamia. -Mesopotamia was much more urban than Egypt. Get your 100% original paper on any topic done. Part of these differences was due to geography, part was due to law codes, and part was due to social structure and government. An obvious difference between Egypt and Mesopotamia was in their political structures. While maintaining individual identities, they shared several similarities … The Political Infrastructure varies greatly between Egypt and Mesopotamia. (2020, October 10). A second major difference between Egypt and Mesopotamia was their government structures. Farming methods, and tools also took a big role in Egypt to have a reliable farming system. Male and female divinities, gods and goddesses of war. Cities Differences. Egypt and Mesopotamia have a completely different history and culture due to where they are located. Egyptians had natural barriers and fertile, predictable land, while Mesopotamians had unpredictable land and no protection from invaders. Egyptians used the mummification process to preserve bodies. Ancient women in Egypt enjoyed more rights and privileges than Mesopotamian women in matters of marriage and property ownership. Similarities Between Egypt and Mesopotamia in terms “Religion” Another similarity between ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia is that they believed in polytheistic nature of gods. Earliest religious awareness was closely associated with nature and environment. Egypt–Mesopotamia relations were the relations between the civilisations of ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia, in the Middle East. The Egyptian civilization, on the other hand, flourished on the banks of the Nile River. The Mesopotamians had a difficult time farming and harvesting because the … Economically perhaps Mesopotamia flourished more than Egypt and in art and culture Egypt edged over Mesopotamia. Though a real comparison would involve a more vast study of the various aspects of society, Mesopotamia had a very violent internal history. Historians often points out that inter war within the civilization led to its downfall. Both Mesopotamia and ancient Egypt had a large class of professional priests to care for the gods. I knew a little bit of what Egypt was like by reading the stories of when the Israelites were captured and were slaves. Both had many cultural and political differences between them. On the other hand, Mesopotamia was built in the fertile area between Tigris and Euphrates River. Politically, both Egypt and Mesopotamia had a government with one main ruler, but Egypt had a centralized government with a pharaoh, while Mesopotamia had a decentralized government with a king. MOVE TO SUNNY MESOPOTAMIA (SALE ITEM) This tongue-in-cheek worksheet presents factual information on Mesopotamia in a humorous manner while giving students a great example of satire. The physical environments of Egypt and Mesopotamia do explain their cultural differences. The Social And Cultural Characteristics Of Mesopotamia. What came first Mesopotamia or Egypt? Chinese followed the principle of low and long buildings. The Ziggurats in Mesopotamia were built to honor the main god of the city. The Mesopotamian calendar was made up of 354 days; hence, it was not accurate compared to that of Egyptians. Crops differed between Mesopotamia and Egypt because of the environment, but also due to the different tools that they used to farm. Both cultures built monumental buildings, as … In Mesopotamia, the government was a bureaucracy divided into city-states. Sumerians lived on the plains of Tigris and Euphrates, known as southern Mesopotamia, around 5000 BC. What were major environmental differences between Mesopotamia and Egypt? Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt were two of the earliest known civilizations. Difference Between Mesopotamia And Egypt Religion. The Egyptians had the Nile River. Egypt and Mesopotamia shared a fundamental geographical similarity: both societies had access to major source of water, which became key for they development and strength. -Both civilization's gods were humanoid. -Egypt's cities had religious houses leading to the population's center. Ancient Egyptian had simple farming tools such as winnowing scoops, hoes, rakes, flint-bladed sickles and ploughs (Barrow). ...Comparing and Contrasting Ancient Egypt and Ancient Mesopotamia In the ancient world, Egypt and Mesopotamia coexisted between 3000 and 2000 B.C.E. Each civilization learns from the one before it, but sometimes they are created entirely different. Both ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia were polytheistic, and in both religions, priests played a... 2 Political Differences. GradesFixer. While Mesopotamia had city states with each one a ruler, Egypt had more unified government. Because Egypt was the “gift of the Nile” and generally prosperous and harmonious, Egyptian gods tended to reflect a positive religion with an emphasis on a positive afterlife. Throughout this essay, I will be comparing and contrasting these two prominent ancient civilizations. Its … There are a number of similarities between the ancient river civilizations of Mesopotamia and Harappa. This essay "Culture differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt" provides the most important differences between the belief systems of the two cultures, StudentShare Our website is a unique platform where students can share their papers in a … Ishtar is a major divinity in Mesopotamian religions. There were many differences between Mesopotamia and Egypt, one of the differences between the two were the Political structure. Ancient Mesopotamia began between the Tigris and Euphretes rivers near modern day Iraq. They seem to have developed from the 4th millennium BCE, starting in the Uruk period for Mesopotamia (circa 4000-3100 BCE) and the half a millennium younger Gerzean culture of Prehistoric Egypt (circa 3500–3200 BCE). Both had a passion for art, astronomy, mathematics, and religions. There were two regions of Egypt. Chinese invented a moon cycle calendar. The culture which produced this monument would have regarded it as a tomb or an eternal home for the king. Since they didn't have to worry about foreign invasions they were allowed to focus on their political, religious, and cultural life. February 23, 2016, Ela O, Leave a comment. Each city-state in Mesopotamia had a specific God. This means that they believed in many gods and goddesses, which were based on the character each god or goddesses represented a specific natural event. Unlike Mesopotamian kings, the Egyptian king was represented as Horus and as the son of Re, and fit into the pattern of the dead returning to life and the climatic renewing life of the sun-god. Egypt, a country famous for its pictographic and ideographic hieroglyphic writing, developed this form of communication by 3200 BCE, possibly as a result of Mesopotamian influence. Egypt and Mesopotamia are similar because they share the same concept of having a single rule, although Egypt is a theocracy and Mesopotamia is a monarchy; and both are divided into social classes, the difference being that women in Egypt have more right than Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia and Egypt are both based upon a single ruler. Compare and Contrast Egyptian and Mesopotamian Culture. -Egypt's cities were more village based. Legendary King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into one nation that lasted with continuity of culture from 3,100-1070 B. C. E. with thirty dynasties. The civilizations worshipped different gods and goddesses. The Mesopotamian culture had religions that had many gods and goddesses as well. Writing, specifically, was a major cultural difference between these two societies. Key Geographical Features: Located between 2 major rivers (Tigris and Euphrates), which provide nutrients to the flat land between them. Egypt and Mesopotamia grew into complex civilizations. Although ancient Egypt and ancient Mesopotamia shared … Egypt and Mesopotamia developed within close proximity and time frames to one another, but in drastically different ways. Egyptian and Mesopotamian civilizations differed in terms of their physical geography, and... 2 Political Organization. The Mesopotamians had the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. Egypt was built on both the sides of the River Nile. The priestly class was very powerful because each religion played a dominant role in its society. Ancient Egypt had a highly centralized government. Both civilizations relied on a fertile river valley to support agriculture. Egypt had a completely different culture than what Mesopotamia had. Finally, the differences in culture between Egypt and Nubia were obvious and notable. The differences between Ancient Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. Mesopotamia and Egypt are two ancient civilisations in which religion was an inte-gral part. The Mesopotamia Civilization and Egyptian Civilization, both at their prime around the same time had many similarities as well as many differences. Merchants and artisans were below peasants in Chinese social order. Egyptians built tall large buildings. Ancient Egypt began in Africa along the Nile River and lasted over 3,000 years from 3150 BCE to 30 BCE. What is Mesopotamia now called? Although Egypt and Mesopotamia were developed around the same period of time, between 5000 and 6000 BC, they had environmental, political, religion and social differences. Urban centers became the center piece for both civilizations. However, one difference between Mesopotamia and Egypt is the weather patterns of their respected localities.
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