focus misdirect macro tbc

Right clicking on your misdirect targets frame and selecting 'Set Focus' Mousing over or targeting your misdirect target and using a macro e.g. If you have no target, you can clear your focus by pressing the macro. This one gets used a lot. In Game Menu → Key Bindings → AddOns, a key binding can be assigned to "Misdirect to Tank". The use if this macro is if you are given a MD target you do a /focus . a guest . This macro is meant to call your pet back to your side as quickly as possible. La amenaza provocada por tus 3 ataques siguientes se redirige al miembro objetivo de la banda. You need to be able to quickly and efficiently call your pet back to your side or send it out to attack depending on what is needed. TBC mouseover macro. This is a macro so that you can keep your Target on the mob but re-direct your Threat to you Focus target is is a slightly modified version of the Misdirection for Hunters. level 2. kglovern. This macro is a simple misdirect macro to save you time manually targeting the tank and casting Misdirection on them. TBC Warrior PVP macros: 1. rule: Add /startattack to ALL macros. Toggles between Aspect of the Hawk and Aspect of the Cheetah, If shift-clicked it will cast Aspect of the Pack. Make sure to use a macro like this one so that you never lose a tag battle with other groups! Shaman is probably the fastest tagger in TBC Classic, mostly due to Earth Shock being instant cast and often beating the instants of other classes. La menace générée par vos 3 prochaines attaques est redirigée vers le membre du groupe ciblé. The auto-cast system is super slow on pets and you might miss out so make sure to use this macro. Rclick sets focus, Lclick (or keybind press) casts MD. I dont have any other focus macros on hunter - i just use one button instead of two. To post a comment, you must login or register. This tanking macro setup is made to make your tanking as a paladin easier. Copy the entire text below and paste into a website or blog - won't work on most forums including World of … you are soloing), it will cast Misdirection at your pet. #showtooltip Tricks of the Trade /cast [target=focus,help] Tricks of the Trade This macro does not automatically Polymorph your focus target, you always need to … Things … (this macro is for hostile spells, if you mousoever someone it will cast on mouseover, if you dont mouseover it will cast on current target) /cast [target=mouseover,help] Spell; [help] Spell; Spell. 5. Then you taget Mulgar and then hit your macro and shoot Mulgar. Kardust-area-52 16 October 2020 15:16 #2. /focus [@mouseover,exists][] Please Note: If you set your focus to an object like a Warlock Gateway the macro will not work; Macro Creation. Focus macros are widely used by all classes in both PvE and PvP. Set focus macro. Another useful macro combination for one-button misdirecting. If you select a friendly target, it will make them the focus, otherwise it will cast misdirection on whatever the focus was. If you haven't got a focus set, it will misdirect to your pet instead. Usage: Yet another useful Misdirection macro application geared towards raiders. If you have a focus target and your focus target is friendly, cast Misdirection on your focus target. If you have a focus target that is not friendly and your focus has a target and that target is friendly, cast Misdirection on your focus' target. Le lanceur de sorts et la cible ne peuvent être affectés que par un seul sort Détournement à … The bad part of the first one would be you have to change macros every time you regroup, or are with a different tank. i got far with this from a forum. /target Kuz. You type /focus tank1. /focus. Rare Tagging / Targeting Macro. /cast [target=focus,help][help][target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection. #showtooltip Misdirection. Classic TBC. /use[@mouseover,help,nodead][@focus,help,nodead]Misdirection Hunter Pet Attack Macro. Then the macro will cast Misdirect on the tank. El taumaturgo y el objetivo solo pueden verse afectados por un hechizo Redirección a … Die durch Eure nächsten 3 Angriffe verursachte Bedrohung wird auf das ausgewählte Schlachtzugsmitglied umgeleitet. When you are ready all you have to do is target what needs to be MD'ed and then hit the macro and start shooting. Macro to move Target Frame. (this macro is for friendly spells, if you mouseover someone it will cast on mouseover, if you dont mouseover it will cast on current target, if you dont … 3. Here some example of focus macros with Kick, Gouge, Blind. Bad part to focus ones is, I usually like to focus on DPS targets rather than the tank, and i have my Distract Shot macrod to switch my target to focus right after i use it so i avoid breaking my own traps. /focus /stopmacro /cast Misdirection Which means any macro you want to specifically deal with the focus must include these extra lines or it won't change your focus. /startattack. /focus /stopmacro /cast Misdirection Or just use the above macro. href="">src="/image/view/34808/preview" alt="" width="200" border="0" /> Setup for a What AfterCast allows this macro to do is to push the execution event depending on the status of your cast. This is a super easy Wow hunter macro for assisting and Misdirecting the tank in… Flash Heal on yourself or your focus. A useful macro; if used without any modifiers, it will attempt to Misdirect your focus target, and if that is not eligible your current target, and if that is not eligible your pet. /cast [target=focus,exists,nodead] Misdirection; [target=pet,exists,nodead] Misdirection. The /assist command macro works just like any other command, it will take conditionals just… Focus, misdirect and assist for easy pulling. This macro will cast Misdirection to focus target when it's friendly, to selected friendly target or to pet when it's alive. /tar focus /tar tank2name /tar tank3name /tar tank4name /cast Misdirection This is exactly what the OP needs to do. /cast [target=focus] counterspell. Misdirection. For more information or variations of the focus macros, just check our TBC Focus macro guide. This macro allows you to offensively dispel someone without having to change your target, allowing you to continue to target a friendly player on your team while dispeling important buffs from your focus target. At the start of an instance or raid, set your focus target to the Main Tank, then use this … Is it possible to misdirect to the tank without having it set as my focus target, while not using it as a mouseover macro either? Sure, by targeting it and casting the spell normally. This will cast MD on your target’s target which you hope to be the tank. /script SetCVar ("cameraDistanceMax",30) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- … This one definitely goes in a good spot on the action bar with a key mapped to it. if you have a focus target is misdirects on focus. Oct 9th, 2020. Most of the time, focus macros are used for control abilities such as Blind, Sap, and Kick. /cast [target=focus] Kick /cast [target=focus] Blind /cast [target=focus] Gouge You can’t make a macro to select the “tank” that’s general use. This Wow priest macro, requested by a player, casts Flash Heal on your focus target… Which extra lines? This is my macro for distracting shot, assuming you know how to use /focus macros and what not. If used with Shift it will attempt to Focus your current target. If no focus exists (i.e. #showtooltip Misdirection /focus /stopmacro /use Misdirection How it works: When you get in a group, target the tank and then right click the macro, this sets the tank as your MD target. Use this macro to cyclone your focus without needing to change your target. /cast [@mouseover,harm] Spell; Spell. /run local f=TargetFrame; f:SetMovable (true); f:EnableMouse (true); f:SetUserPlaced (true); f:SetScript ("OnMouseDown", f.StartMoving); f:SetScript ("OnMouseUp", f.StopMovingOrSizing); /reload (will save them) Max Distance Macro. Like all facerolling macros, this macro setup helps you decide which spell to use, so you can focus on tanking itself. User Info: DefaultUserName. This will cast misdirection onto your focus target if you have one and he is alive, otherwise it will misdirect to your pet. Example: Tank 1 wants you to MD Mulgar to him. Assist Focus Macro /assist focus. If that doesn't exist either, it will misdirect on your pet. Working on the assumption that Classic TBC will not support this option, here is a quick introduction to focus macros such as Blind, Sap, Kick, etc. This macro will … Focus poly. Which one is better? Hold ctrl and click the macro to cast misdirection on the memorized target. Focus Cyclone. Mir's TBC PvP Rogue Macros. Never ... Focus Step + Kick:(Press once to Shadowstep, twice to kick.) This macro can be placed on your bars and will always misdirect to a tank when the addon is enabled. Right clicking on your misdirect targets frame and selecting 'Set Focus' Mousing over or targeting your misdirect target and using a macro e.g. /target focus /cast Misdirection /targetlasttarget /script local u=UnitName("focus");if u then SendChatMessage("Misdirecting to "..u, "PARTY") end Basically you set your focus (select your tank and type in /focus) at the beginning of a raid and you can just use this macro from here on to target your tank. here you go: has a focus target, tells raid who you're MDing to (change /ra to /p for party announce) also has space for 3 other tank names. More hunter macros: Make a macro to click the invisible button that this addon adds: #showtooltip Misdirection /click TankMDButton1. Focus CS. Misdirect Helper will try and create the macro in one of your Character Specific Macro slots first /cast Earth Shock. Misdirection. Sets the current target as your focus target and clears your previous focus target. At the start of an instance run, click on the tank and type /focus to set your focus as the tank. A useful macro; if used without any modifiers, it will attempt to Misdirect your focus target, and if that is not eligible your current target, and if that is not eligible your pet. If used with Shift it will attempt to Focus your current target. Another way to do Misdirection and focus setting are with the following macros: /cast [target=focus] Polymorph (Rank 1) Always loads player to bottom of raid frame, have to sort by group then hit interface settings and escape. The iconic macro is very unlikely to work. Pet Feed Macro 13,463 . I am having issues with mouse over macros for my disc priest for TBC. No need for seperate abilities on your bars. Option 2. Focus macros are extremely important on the Burning Crusade because there is no arena123 option on the 2.4.3 client. otherwise on pet. This will prevent you from losing precious dps from trapping. I can set it up similar to this for one macro to MD to up to 7 bonus tanks, but that just doesn't seem necessary here. A slightly better version of this macro is: #showtooltip /cast [@focus, exists, nodead] [@pet, exists, nodead] Misdirection. #showtooltip Cyclone /cast [target=focus] Cyclone. /cast [target=mouseover,exists,help] Power Word: Shield (Rank 12); [target=player] Power Word: Shield (Rank 12) I use this as my mouseover macros. Another important topic is the pet attacks. After that, your focus target gets Polymorph ed. To post a comment, you must login or register. Anyone have any links or macros they could share? #showtooltip Spell Reflection ... /cast [target=focus] Pummel(rank 2) Interrupt shield bash / pummel dependant on stance You will need to edit the macro to specify which Call Pet to use. Originally Posted by efksdljg. #showtooltip. All in One Pet Macro #showtooltip /use Mend Pet /stopmacro /use Revive Pet /castsequence reset=2 Call Pet, Revive Pet This macro will Call/Revive/Mend Pet all in one macro. An actual 939 main castsequence macro used for tanking. Der Effekt hält bis zu 30 sec lang an. This macro requires the addon AfterCast to work. Focus Dispel Magic. /focus [@mouseover,exists][] Please Note: If you set your focus to an object like a Warlock Gateway the macro will not work; Macro Creation. /cast [mod:ctrl,@Replace] [mod:alt,@pet] [nomod:shift]Misdirection /stopmacro [nomod:shift] /run local t=UnitName ("target");if t:len ()<18 then EditMacro ("misd",nil,nil,GetMacroBody ("misd"):gsub ("Replace",t)..string.rep (" … #showtooltip. Description: This is a great Wow hunter combination that’s a simple 3 in 1 target, focus and misdirect pet macro. 9 years ago. If you have no focus, but have a pet – Misdirect pet. Auf Zauberndem und Ziel kann jeweils nur ein Effekt von 'Irreführung' aktiv sein. Rapid Fire, Berserking and Aimed Shot. When you want to MD the tank, left click the macro. #showtooltip Charge /startattack /Cast Battle Stance /Cast Charge Spell reflect for all stances. Kyrel-stormscale July 1, 2020, 2:56pm #4. there’s a lot of method talk here but this is my favourite method to solve the issue: #showtooltip misdirection /cast [@focus,help] [help] [@pet,exists] Misdirection. I factored it out of all of my macros and added a keybind. This design is … author: Mystic | last updated: May 2, 20. Focus macro: /focus Charge.

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