funniest guild recruitment posts

19 June 2021. 35. 12. No gore or porn. Rules: Follow Ruqqus ToS. save. Live PTR. See more ideas about humor, recruiter humor, hr humor. Wowmatcher is a wow guild recruitment site that helps bring together warcraft guilds and players. Think of your recruitment post or your template as your guild’s resumé. [H] 10/10M - Area 52 - LF RDPS! Crimson Imperium Reborn was founded in 1997. Welcome along to Guild Chat, my column in which I join forces with commenters to help a reader in need with a guild-related concern. report. In the current environment, recruiting can be extremely difficult. Passive recruitment has a large amount of time invested up front, but is fairly effective long-term. Yes We are a MATURE Player Group TeamSpeak 3 and well a guild website that is there but we use TeamSpeak to do everything as we don't like typing LOL. (Warning: we may steal your babies! If you have, you are clearly unique because almost everyone I’ve seen are just boring! That gets an insta-block from me (and is the reason why a lot of us LGBT folks form their own guilds, to get away from that). and since i was a huge fan on Bone-thugs-and-harmony, the HipHop Rap group, i seriously took a liking to this guild, but apparently you had to be attuned to some raid to join... such a bummer. The guild seems to have a decent amount of skilled players and that’s something I would want to be part of. No satire Post … Mine was from WoW. 76 were here. Q u o t e: Incredible Guild of Power is now recruiting all classes. Whisper me for an invite to CRZY today to start getting guild perks. Here are a few gems I used for my guild before giving up on recruiting: ! Here you can advertise your Guild, or look for a Guild to join. ! Posts. Thanks for these, some are great! All threads are automatically moderated and will not be visible until a moderator has approved it. /ngr interval # - replace # with the number of minutes between spammings in a particular zone. Post by 165721 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Classic TBC. Guild Chat: Recruiting for your MMORPG guild ahead of WoW Legion. We offer both guild profiles and player profiles with direct custom links and in-depth search features to help find the best guild recruit or player recruit and make wow recruitment overall easier for you. This thread is archived. Best part was when I asked him what their raid times were, and he said 6-11pm server, 7 days a week. The funniest guild on Ruqqus. Post Reply. Wait a minute....a guild that has a guild bank AND a tabard? A guild where everyone promises to say Gratz when you ding and care about all those oh so important achievments. . Forum Post 2: Subject: IGoP: [i]Limited Recruitment for EndGame Raiding[/ Q u o t e: Best/Funniest Guild Names. Maybe you can grab some ideas from these examples. No memes. Whoa! I've received quite a few emails lately asking for tips. 33% Upvoted. We are always glad to bring friends and those looking for a run, so if you're interested, please contact an officer prior to raid. i came across a guild spamming guild recruitment in general chat, whose name was "Gnome, thugs and Harmony". Best/Funniest Guild Names. Passive and Active Recruitment. Post by Arhippa A lot of friends used to play in that guild when I was still on Vashj (EU), seems it's pretty dead now. This involves having a template of of your guild’s information. 220 Havoc DH / Fire Mage LF fun and PogChamp guild. 19 June 2021. #1 is homophobia/transphobia. My old guild is dying unfortunately the guild master is not very active and we only have 12 members we are losing more. Now in the game a player can still recruit with a message that reads something like this. We have swinger parties, the finest Corellian space brandy, and spices that will get you higher than an orbital station. Pingback: Funny Recruitment Ads « New World D0mber. For their recruitment ad here, they take an obvious stab at a rival company. This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Probably the worst, and by far the most common guild advertisement I see. /ngr attune - attunes the addon to your current guild. Return to board index. Post by 129077 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Pull and pray. ,""CRZY is recruiting new players. A guild where everyone promises to say Gratz when you ding and care about all those oh so important achievments.\ ,""Is your guild just not sexy enough for you? Guild chat getting a little dull? Join CRZY where F bombs aren't offensive and family friendly just ain't our style. Sign up to enjoy guild perks!\ Join us and make the best worst decisions in the galaxy! (Level 70 twink guild) Social guild I used to be in. Here's the funniest guild names I came across! my guild. Best/Funniest Guild Names. We know your job is not easy (especially these days when you're struggling with the coronavirus challenges) so we wanted to give you a reason to smile. Send a message to an IGoP officer ingame for more details! ", "Is your guild just not sexy enough for you? Looking for funny HR and recruiting jokes? Click on the link, read what it says on the top right. We have vent, tabard, website, and 3 bank tabs." This will make recruiting messages a thing of the past. Discord : SNANESS#5601. Now recruiting for X guild fun guild see details in the guild recruitment area in friends list window, under x server to know more. Guild Recruitment Posting Guidelines Submitting a thread: Use this forum section for posting Guild Recruitment threads. Jul 1, 2015 - Explore Top Echelon's board "Recruiting Humor", followed by 154 people on Pinterest. Post Reply. Steven 24 Apr 2010 Reply. Blizzard clearly chose the ladder of the two when they erased the guild name and made it Post by 94449 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Enjoy! Eso Guild Recruitment Message | This list is what i was able to gather from the beta, it is not complete but you can expect it to be continually updated past launch. hide. Best/Funniest Guild Names. "Casual raid guild with 2 wings of 10man Naxx on farm recruiting all races but Death Knights. We are a community of adults with a thick… 1. Eso chat and grouping commands guide will help you communicate with other players and shows you how to adjust font size, or chat channels. Return to board index. Return to board index. 1 comment. )", "CRZY is recruiting new players. Post by 93857 Are you looking for guild? Also, level 3 bank alt Post by Gnoktish 566. Cryptic 10/10 H 2/10 M CURRENTLY LOOKING FOR HEALERS AND DPS!. Hi there, HR and recruiting fiends! Post Reply. Crimson Imperium Reborn was founded in 1997. SEMI-HARDCORE GUILD MOVING INTO MYTHIC. LFM HEALS/DPS [A] Recruiting for Shadowlands! Charming Degenerates 9/10H LATE NIGHT! iLvl 218 Holy/Disc Priest (9/10 H w/ sub 5% Sire & 1/10M) LF Progression Raiding Guild. Chill, reliable and friendly player! Seriously, no one cares if you have a gbank and tabard... every guild has that! Funny guild recruiting [Question] So my question to all of you is what is the funniest guild recruiting messages you've seen? By using guild finder page you may find your new home! Have you all ever seen some of those really funny recruiting macro’s where someone will actually use a sense of humor in trying to advertise their guild? Post by 193117 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. Forum Post 1 Subject: Incredible Guild of Power is Recruiting! Pingback: 117 Funniest Creative Job and Recruitment Ads - Recruitment Marketing George 17 Jul 2012 Reply Just proves that media and marketing has a direct influence on how candidates are attracted to originality in recruitment adverts - even in the e-commerce scene. We’re a fun guild who wants to do endgame instances. [H] [EU] [Tarren Mill] 9/10M is Looking for players! Irvine, CA. Hello all, We understand this is a Guild Recruitment forum and posters here want to make sure their threads are visible. With that said, we want to remind you all that repeatedly bumping threads is a violation of our Fo… A more informative vlog this time on how guild recruitment works for semi-hardcore mythic raiding guilds in World of Warcraft. 583. 5. No politics There is a place for discussion about that, but this is not it. It is your opportunity to sell your guild to a prospective applicant. Number 1 guild on US-Demon Soul during TBC. Could mean pull the boss and pray we don't all die, or it means pull out and pray we don't have kids. Originally Posted by Kenkä. Pingback: 117 Funniest Creative Job and Recruitment Ads | JobMob. Post by cowski is recruiting all players we have guild bank and a tabard pst! We won't list our achievements from EVE, PO, GW or any of the MMO's we've played over the years, if you heard of us in those games you know who we are and what we do. This is why we gathered the top 11 recruitment jokes that are guaranteed to make you laugh! We had some pretty hilarious recruitment macros. Here's my best advice. Only registered Butler Service Provider in Africa. 67. . Post by samarium Too many rape jokes in my opinion... and too many people ... Post by 148688 This post was from a user who has deleted their account. He makes videos and posts about the guild's achievements and the friendly nature. Re: Funniest guild/arena team names. #2 is politics (and the conspiracy theories related to it). Funnier than Jokes. 10.) Commands: /ngr - shows available commands. However, 50% are not legible on the 1/3-of-the-screen width you chose to post them on. We won't list our achievements from EVE, PO, GW or any of the MMO's we've played over the years, if you heard of us in those games you know who we are and what we do. Return to board index. One of the best guild names are: "Sealcub Clubbers club". We are a community of adults with a thick… Perplexity [A] [7/10M] are recruiting! It’s an RPG. Feel free to add the funniest ones you've seen or even just shoot us a shoutout to your guild name:) This ones for the SkySuckers (you really knocked out guild name out of the park-_-lol) Honorable Mention: The Black Side--conquering discrimination and the Galaxy at the same time. Your politics are irrelevant. #1: Let’s start out with the innovation giants over at Apple. Post Reply. share. This is not a guild for memes, you can post them to guilds like +Memes or +DankMemes. Here are some of our guild recruitment messages written by us in the past. You can feel free to copy these into macros and recruit peeps yourselves if you wish. I do not take credit for any of these. All credit goes to Mara, Kimzi, Coldy, and whoever else spewed awesome into these words. Guild chat getting a little dull? /ngr msg - Changes the message to spam. Recruitment: OPEN FOR SHADOWLANDS We have two primary raid nights - Tuesday and Thursday with an optional heroic clear on Wednesdays.

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